The distance between Bhairab Bazar to Sylhet is about 158 km. You can travel so easily by train. The train journey is so much pleasure than any other journey. Most of the trains are luxurious and they have many modern facilities. It makes your journey comfortable. The schedule and ticket prices are given below.
Table of Contents
Bhairab Bazar To Sylhet Train Schedule
The train journey is so easy and comfortable. Nowadays trains are so luxurious and they are not so costly. There are 2 trains available here. They have different departure times. They have many modern facilities and services. The schedule is given below. Don’t forget to have a look below.
Train Name | Off Day | Departure | Arrival |
Parabat Express (709) | Tuesday | 08:06 | 13:00 |
Upaban Express (739) | Wednesday | 23:42 | 05:00 |
Bhairab Bazar To Sylhet Train Ticket Price
There are many kinds of tickets are available. They are based on seat features. You can buy the ticket that you want to. You buy tickets from the station directly. You can buy tickets online. Online tickets are so easy and they are not so much costly. You can see the ticket prices below. They are based on Bangladesh Railway.
Seat Category | Ticket Price (15% VAT) |
Shuvon Chair | 275 |
First Seat | 426 |
Snigdha | 529 |
AC | 633 |
AC Birth | 949 |
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Safety Tips For You.
We must follow these rules to ensure our safety.
Never turn on the shutter in a crowded area. Never smoke on the train. Don’t jump on running train. Don’t climb on the roof of a train. Keep your goods in touch. Don’t eat something from an unknown company. Take care of your children.