If you are searching for the train schedule of Noakhali to Dhaka train, I can assure you that you will able to find all the information about Noakhali to Dhaka train. Every day a lot of people traveling on this route. To know the information you need, have a look at this article with care.
Table of Contents
Noakhali To Dhaka Intercity Train Schedule
Between the route of Noakhali to Dhaka, the Upakul Express (711) is only one Intercity train that runs. This train departs from the Noakhali railway station at 6:00 and arrives at Kamalapur railway station at 11:50. The weekly holiday of Upakul Express is Wednesday. To get an enjoyable journey to choose this train.
Train Name | Off Day | Departure | Arrival |
Upakul Express (711) | Wed | 6:00 | 11:20 |
Noakhali To Dhaka Mail/Express Train Schedule
There is also a Mail train in Noakhali to Dhaka route name Dhaka Express (11). This train travels on this route regularly. It starts the journey from Noakhali station at 20:40 and about 10 hours later the train arrives in Dhaka at 6:40.
Train Name | Off Day | Departure | Arrival |
Dhaka Express (11) | No | 20:40 | 6:40 |
Noakhali To Dhaka Train Ticket Price
The ticket prices are based on their category. In a train, there are many categories of the seat. Though the ticket prices of Noakhali to Dhaka train are not very costly, it’s cheaper than another trip. Have a look at the below chart and choose one category of the seat for you.
Seat Category | Ticket Price (15% VAT) |
Shuvon Chair | 315 |
Snigdha | 598 |
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Always we try to collect the exact train schedule for you. At times the schedules can be changed because train schedules are variable. To know the updated train schedule, stay with us. If you have any questions, please ask us by comment.