Sarishabari is an Upazila of Jamalpur District in the Division of Mymensingh. From here you will be able to know the train schedule of Sarishabari Station. Every day many trains are travelling to several places in Bangladesh from Sarishabari Station. Today I am brought the schedule of the train those depart from Sarishabari Station. To know the train schedule read the full article attentively.
Table of Contents
Sarishabari To Tarakandi Train Schedule
There are two trains these are travel om Sarishabari to Tarakandi route. If you are a traveller on this route see the below chart and know about the train schedule. See the off-day carefully.
Train Name | Off Day | Departure | Arrival |
Agnibina Express (735) | No | 16:16 | 16:50 |
Jamuna Express (745) | No | 22:11 | 22:50 |
Sarishabari To Dhaka Train Schedule
From Sarishabari station to the capital Dhaka distance is about 150 KM via highway. The distance is not very long. You can able to get a comfortable journey on this route because this route has 3 intercity train name Aghnibina Express (736) and Jamuna Express (746).
Train Name | Off Day | Departure | Arrival |
Agnibina Express (736) | No | 18:47 | 23:50 |
Jamuna Express (746) | No | 02:18 | 07:30 |
Jamalpur Express (800) | Sun | 17:47 | 20:40 |
Sarishabari To Mymensingh Train Schedule
Dholessory Express (76) train is available for travel on Sarishabari to the Mymensingh route. This train departs from Sarishabari station at 19:24 and arrives in Mymensingh at 22:50. Have a safe journey on this route.
Train Name | Off Day | Departure | Arrival |
Jamuna Express (746) | No | 02:18 | 04:25 |
Train Name | Off Day | Departure | Arrival |
Dholessory Express (76) | No | — | — |
I hope now you know the exact schedule of Sarishabari station. Thanks for visiting this site. If you feel that, this article helpful for you, please leave a comment in the comment box. Stay with us and keep supporting.