Are you looking for the information about the Dhaka to Gaibandha train schedule? I can ensure you that you will be able to get it from here. I have collected the exact train schedule of the Dhaka to Gaibandha route and added it to this article. You will also know the ticket prices of this route from here. Read this article carefully.
Table of Contents
Dhaka To Gaibandha Intercity Train Schedule
Only 3 intercity trains travel between Dhaka to Gaibandha route with different departure times. If you want to make your trip comfortable and enjoyable, intercity trains are the best choice for you. See the below chart and know the schedule of these trains.
Train Name | Off Day | Departure | Arrival |
Lalmoni Express (751) | Fri | 21:45 | 05:48 |
Rangpur Express (771) | Mon | 09:10 | 17:20 |
BURIMARI EXPRESS (809) | Tue | 08:30 | 16:24 |
Dhaka To Ghaibandha Train Ticket Price
All the trains in Bangladesh are run under the Bangladesh Railway. Bangladesh Railway takes all the decisions about the trains and they have fixed the ticket price. The ticket price is not very costly. I hope you can easily buy it. Have a look at the below chart.
Seat Category | Ticket Price (15% VAT) |
Shuvon Chair | 550 |
Snigdha | 1053 |
AC Seat | 1260 |
AC Birth | 1886 |
I hope now you have a fulfill knowledge about the Dhaka to Gaibandha train schedule route. If you found any mistake let us know by comment. To know train-related update news stay with us and keep supporting us.