Joypurhat To Jessore Train Schedule & Ticket Price

The distance of Joypurhat to Jessore is approximately 270 KM. It is a very long distance to travel. It may take several hours to reach Jessore city from Joypurhat. Mostly it takes 7-10 hours through the train. It depends on the rail circumstances on that day. Here in this article, we have gathered some important information on Joypurhat to Jessore Intercity train schedule and Mail Express train schedule. Here you will also find the ticket price of Joypurhat to Jessore trains.

Joypurhat To Jessore Intercity Train Schedule

There are two Intercity trains prepared for you on this Joypurhat to Jessore train route. These two trains are Rupsha Express and Simanta Express. The Rupsha Express runs 6 days in a week in Joypurhat to Jessore route and the Simanta Express train continuously runs seven days in a week without off day. The departure and arrival time is different for each Intercity train. Check this schedule:

Train Name Off Day Departure Arrival
Rupsha Express (728) Thursday 11:25 17:07
Simanta Express (748) Mon 21:32 02:55

Joypurhat To Jessore Mail/Express Train Schedule

There is only one Mail Express train available for you on Joypurhat to Jessore train route. This is the Rocket Express train and the train number is 24. It is a common train on this route that has no off day in a week, it means this train is available for you in each and every day.

Train Name Off Day Departure Arrival
Rocket Express (24) No

Joypurhat To Jessore Train Ticket Price

There are 7 different category seats are prepared for your journey. If you have a low budget right now, you can buy the Shuvon or Shuvon Chair which is starting from 230 BDT and 275 BDT. Or if you can afford the highest, you can go for Ac or Ac Birth seat. We have the list of Joypurhat to Jessore train ticket price, check it out:

Seat Category Ticket Price (15% VAT)
Shuvon Chair 355
Snigdha 685
Ac Seat 817
AC Birth 1225

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Wishing your best travel experience on this Joypurhat to Jessore train route. Stay safe, keep your goods in touch and stay aware. If you need any route’s train schedule in Bangladesh, don’t forget to visit us again. Please share and spread the love of travel. You can also leave a comment below, we will try to reach your comment asap.

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