The Egarosindhur Provati is an intercity train in Bangladesh. It is one of the fastest and luxurious trains in Bangladesh. This train has many kinds of facilities that give you tranquility. It has, a food zone from where you can collect food, a pray zone, and also has Entertainment facilities. As well as this train has a washroom which makes your long journey easier. If you want to travel on Dhaka to the Kishoreganj route by Egarosindhur Provati train then you need the Schedule of this train. This article will inform you of the exact schedule of the Egarosidhur Godhuli train.
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Egarosindhur Provati Train Schedule
Basically the Egarosindhur Provati travel on Dhaka to Kishoreganj route. It’s departures from Dhaka at 07:15 and arrival to Kishoreganj at 11:10. About 4 hours of time is needed. Wednesday is the off-day of Dhaka to the Kishoreganj route. In the return trip, it’s departures from Kishoreganj at 06:30 and arrival to Dhaka at 10:30. There is no off-day of Kishoreganj to Dhaka route. Also, see the below chart.
Station | Off Day | Departure | Arrival |
Dhaka to kishoreganj | Wed | 07:15 | 11:10 |
Kishoreganj to Dhaka | No | 06:30 | 10:30 |
Egarosindhur Provati Train Break Stations
The Egarosindhur Provati (737/738) Train has many of Stoppages. The Stoppage’s name and their Uptime and Downtime has given in below in the form of a chart. Have a look.
Station Name | Up Time (737) | Down Time (738) |
Biman Bandar | 07:38 | 09:50 |
Narsingdi | 08:22 | 09:02 |
Methikanda | — | 08:38 |
Bhairab bazar | 08:53 | 08:00 |
Kuliachor | 09:32 | 07:35 |
Bajitpur | 09:42 | 07:25 |
Sararchar | 09:52 | 07:15 |
Manik Khali | 10:10 | 06:57 |
Gachihata | 10:22 | 06:45 |
Egarosindhur Provati Train Ticket Price
Seat Category | Ticket Price (15% VAT) |
Shuvon | 135 |
Shuvon Chair | 160 |
1st Seat | 248 |
More Related Schedules For Egarosindhur Provati Train:
Dhaka To Kishargonj Train Schedule And Ticket Price
Kishoregonj To Dhaka Train Schedule And Ticket Price
We got bunch of information about Egarosindhur Provati train, we hope that this bunch of information may help you out. If you wanna know more or have complain about something, please leave a comment below.