Jessore To Santahar Train Schedule & Ticket Price

The southwest city Jessore is about 225 KM away from the north Bengal Santahar. There is a train route is connecting Jessore to Santahar. If you wanna travel this long distance through train, we can help you out with some information on Jessore to Santahar Intercity train Schedule and there will be also the Mail Express trains and the ticket prices of those train’s seat.

Jessore To Santahar Intercity Train Schedule

There are two trains for you with different departure and arrival time on Jessore to Santahar train route. Those trains are:

These trains are prepared with lots of features that could make your journey more comfortable. If you want to travel on Jessore to Santahar via train, we will recommend you to go with these two trains. Check out the off day, departure and arrival time of these train in the following:

Train Name Off Day Departure Arrival
Rupsha Express (727) Thursday 08:23 13:20
Simanta Express (747) Mon 22:26 03:10

Jessore To Santahar Mail/Express Train Schedule

Rocket Express is the only Mail Express train that runs all day in a week. It means this Mail Express train has no off day. This train takes a bit longer time than the Intercity train. If you are a regular traveler on this Jessore to Santahar route you would know better the difference between the Mail Express and Intercity train.

Train Name Off Day Departure Arrival
Rocket Express (23) No

Jessore To Santahar Train Ticket Price

It is time to check out the ticket prices of those three trains we have written down the details. The ticket price is not that costly neither so cheap. This Jessore to Santahar trains ticket price is reasonable. The lowest one is 230 BDT and AC Birth is 825 BDT. See this checklist now:

Seat Category Ticket Price (15% VAT)
Shuvon Chair 315
Snigdha 604
Ac Seat 725
AC Birth 1087

Related Schedule:

Santahar To Jessore Train Schedule & Ticket Price

Rajshahi To Santahar Train Schedule & Ticket Price

We are working hard to save your time. You don’t need to go to Jessore station or Santahar station to know the train schedule of Jessore to Santahar. We have already given all this information to you. We hope this article helped you if it does don’t forget to share and spread the love for us.

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