Are you searching for the Tangail to Ullapara train schedule? You are in the right place. Here you will get all the information about the Tangail to Ullapara route. If you are a new traveler on this route, I think this article will help you a lot. Check the full article and collect all the information.
Table of Contents
Tangail To Ullapara Intercity Train Schedule
Here you will get Tangail to Ullapara Intercity train schedule. the Tangail to Ullapara route has some Intercity train named EKOTA Express (705), Lalmoni Express (751), Silkcity Express (753), Padma Express (759), DHUMKETU Express (769), Chitra Express (764). All of the trains are so fast and luxurious. If you would like to travel on this route train I think your journey will interesting. Collect your information from below the chart.
Train Name | Off Day | Departure | Arrival |
EKOTA Express (705) | No | 12:04 | 13:20 |
Lalmani Express (751) | Fri | 23:35 | 00:51 |
Silkcity Express (753) | Sun | 16:40 | 18:03 |
Padma Express (759) | Tue | 00:34 | 01:50 |
DHUMKETU Express (769) | Thu | 07:50 | 09:18 |
Chitra Express (764) | Sun | 21:42 | 20:58 |
Tangail To Ullapara Mail/Express Train Schedule
This route has intercity tarins also this route has a mail or Express train. Name of this train Rajshahi Express (5). This train is like a local train. This train stops all of the stations. For know, the information about this train sees the below chart.
Train Name | Off Day | Departure | Arrival |
Rajshahi Express (5) | No | 14:27 | 16:20 |
Tangail To UllaparaTrain Ticket Price
If you want to know about the Tangail to Ullapara train ticket price here you will be able to collect the information. Tangail To Ullapara in this route train has many categories of seat systems. Such as Shuvon, Shuovon chair, AC seat, etc. The lowest ticket price only 160 TK and the highest ticket price 547 TK. To select your seat to see below the chart and select your seat.
Seat Category | Ticket Price (15% VAT) |
Shuvon Chair | 160 |
Snigdha | 305 |
AC Seat | 368 |
AC Birth | 547 |
Related: Ullapara To Tangail Train Schedule With Ticket Price
I hope this article may help you. I am trying to give you the correct information. I am collect all of the information in the Bangladesh railway schedule. If you face any problem please tell us we will solve your problem soon.