Do you want to travel Tangail to Biman Bandar and that’s why do you need information about Tangail to Biman Bandar train schedule? Don’t be upset here you will be able to get all the information about the train schedule. I tried to collect the right information. To get all the information please check below the chart and collect your information.
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Tangail To Biman Bandar Intercity Train Schedule
Tangail to Biman Bandar, in this route, has some intercity trains named Ekota Express (706), Lalmoni Express (752), Drutajan Express (758), etc, etc. Those trains have some facilities. Such as food zone, prayer zone, etc. I think all these things can interesting in your journey. If you want to know about Tangail To Biman Bandar Intercity Train Schedule have a look below the chart.
Train Name | Off Day | Departure | Arrival |
Ekota Express (706) | No | 05:47 | |
Lalmoni Express (752) | Fri | 17:28 | |
Silkcity Express (754) | Sun | 11:08 | |
Drutojan Express (758) | No | 16:46 | |
Padma Express (760) | Tue | 19:25 | |
Chittra Express (763) | Sun | 15:59 | |
Sirajgonj Express (775) | Sat | 19:54 |
Tangail To Biman Bandar Train Ticket Price
Here you can get the ticket price of the Tangail to Biman Bandar train. It’s not very costly. You can buy the ticket from the ticket counter or also you can buy it on the internet. This train has some categorize seats. But if you want to buy a good quality seat. You have to pay a lot of money. To get more information check the below chart.
Seat Category | Ticket Price (15% VAT) |
Shuvon | 95 |
Shuvon Chair | 115 |
1st Seat | 155 |
1st Birth | 230 |
Snigdha | 190 |
AC Seat | 230 |
AC Birth | 345 |
Related: Biman Bandar To Tangail Train Schedule With Ticket Price
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