Santahar to Parbatipur is the busiest train route in Bangladesh. A lot of people travel on this trackway by train daily. If you are thinking about traveling on this route by train, then today’s article is for you. From this article, you will be able to know the name of the trains are on this route and also their schedule and ticket prices.
Table of Contents
Santahar to Parbatipur Intercity Train Schedule
There are two types of train in Santahar to Parbatipur route. The distance of Santahar to Parbatipur route is about 120 KM (Approx.). It’s a long-distance route. Trains are the most suited vehicle to travel far away. Here you will get the intercity train names and schedule of Santahar to Parbatipur route.
Train Name | Off Day | Departure | Arrival |
Ekota Express (705) | No | 16:00 | 18:15 |
Rupsha Express (727) | Thursday | 13:25 | 15:05 |
Barendra Express (731) | Sunday | 17:25 | 19:25 |
Titumir Express (733) | Wednesday | 08:50 | 11:10 |
Simanta Express (747) | Mon | 03:15 | 05:00 |
Drutojan Express (757) | No | 01:30 | 03:25 |
Nilsagar Express (765) | Monday | 12:35 | 14:15 |
DOLONCHAPA Express (767) | No | 11:00 | 16:40 |
KURIGRAM Express (797) | Wed | 02:20 | 04:05 |
Banglabandha Express (803) | Friday | 23:30 | 01:35 |
CHILAHATI Express (805) | Sat | 22:50 | 01:00 |
Santahar To Parbatipur Mail/ Express Train Schedule
Let’s read the names and details of the Mail Express train names of Santahar To Parbatipur route. There are 3 Mail Express trains on this route. The Mail Express train is not very bad. If you have enough time and want to save your money, then go on a travel with the Mail Express train. Check the schedule of Mail Express trains.
Train Name | Off Day | Departure | Arrival |
Uttarbanga Mail (7) | No | 09:30 | 17:20 |
Rocket Express (23) | No | 19:20 | 22:00 |
Uttara Express (31) | No | 16:45 | 20:15 |
Santahar To Parbatipur Train Ticket Price
The ticket prices of Santahar To Parbatipur Train is not very costly. The ticket prices are fixed by the Bangladesh railway. To buy a ticket you may go to the station, but you can also buy a ticket online.
Seat Category | Ticket Price (15% VAT) |
Shuvon Chair | 115 |
Snigdha | 219 |
AC | 265 |
Ac Birth | 397 |
Related Schedule:
Jessore To Santahar Train Schedule & Ticket Price
Dhaka To Santahar Train Schedule & Ticket Price
All the information are given here was based on Bangladesh Railway. I hope this article will help them who want to travel on Santahar to Parbatipur route.