Santahar To Jessore Train Schedule & Ticket Price

The distance of Santahar to Jessore is 225 KM via Highway. The distance can be different from the rail route from Santahar to Jessore. If you are interested to travel from the train by this route, we can help you out with some information you need. We have collected the Santahar to Jessore Intercity train schedule and Santahar to Jessore Mail Express train schedule with the ticket price of those train’s seat.

Santahar To Jessore Intercity Train Schedule

There is one Intercity train is available for you to travel Santahar to Jessore. The name of the Intercity train city is Rupsha Express. It runs 6 days a week. It has an off day only on Thursday. And the other train is Simanta Express which has no off day. We have got the Departure and Arrival time of these two trains of Santahar to Jessore train route. Check out the schedule in the following:

Train Name Off Day Departure Arrival
Rupsha Express (728) Thursday 12:05 17:07
Simanta Express (748) Mon 22:15 02:55

Santahar To Jessore Mail Express Train Schedule

This is the Mail Express train named Rocket Express that is running every day in a week. This Mail Express train of Santahar to Jessore has no off day. Mail Express trains can be a bit slower than the Intercity train. If you are a regular traveler, you would know better.

Train Name Off Day Departure Arrival
Rocket Express (24) No

Santahar To Jessore Train Ticket Price

All kinds of seats are available on this Santahar to Jessore trains. The cheapest ticket here starting from 255 BDT which is “Shuvon”. There are more six other types of seats available for you. The best seat for you is AC Birth. It is a bit expensive. Watch out this list of ticket price:

Seat Category Ticket Price (15% VAT)
Shuvon Chair 315
Snigdha 604
Ac Seat 725
AC Birth 1087

Related Schedule:

Jessore To Santahar Train Schedule & Ticket Price

Rajshahi To Santahar Train Schedule & Ticket Price

We tried to collect and gather all the information you need to know if you wanna travel through the Santahar to Jessore route. If you liked this article or if we are able to help you please leave a comment below and let us know. Your comment is our inspiration. Thanks a lot for reading this article on Santahar to Jessore’s train schedule. Be back again anytime if you need another train’s schedule.

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