Pirgacha To Rongpur Train Schedule With Ticket Price

Pirgacha To Rangpur Train Schedule With Ticket Price

If you are searching for information about Pirgacha to Rangpur Train Schedule with Ticket Price, you are in the right place. The train of the Pirgacha to Rangpur route is a busy route. More than thousands of people travel every day on this route. People are searching schedules, and there are not many valid sources.

Table of Contents

Pirgacha To Rangpur Intercity Train Schedule

Get information about the Pirgacha to Rangpur route here. Total 2 trains run on the Pirgacha to Rangpur route with a decent number of seats for traveling.

Train Name Off Day Departure Arrival
DOLONCHAPA EXPRESS (767) No 14:35 15:42
Rangpur Express (771) Monday 18:13 19:10

Pirgacha To Rangpur Train Ticket Price

People like to travel by train for mainly two reasons: time and travel cost. The train route is traffic jam-free so that you can travel faster, and the ticket price is less than other vehicles. Pirgacha to Rangpur route has almost all category seats for the passengers. Here is the ticket price of all seat categories.

Seat Category Ticket Price (15% VAT)
Shuvon 45
Shuvon Chair 50
Snigdha 115
AC Birth 150

All information was about Pirgacha to Rangpur Train Schedule with Ticket Price. We aim to provide train travel-related latest and updated information to our visitors. We hope this article was helpful for you.

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