Get information about the Dhaka To Chittagong Train Schedule here. Dhaka to Chittagong’s distance is about 245 KM. Millions of people travel from Dhaka to Chittagong every day by train. Everyone is searching for the Dhaka To Chittagong Train Schedule.
Here we added some important information about the Dhaka To Chittagong Train Schedule and ticket price. You will get information about train names, departure, and arrival times in this article for this route.
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Dhaka To Chittagong Train Schedule 2025
The Dhaka To Chittagong Train route has both Intercity and Mail Express trains. Here you will get all the information about the Dhaka To Chittagong Train Schedule of both intercity and mail express trains. Here you go:

Dhaka To Chittagong Train Schedule Of Intercity Trains
Intercity trains can be the best choice if you want to travel comfortably and peacefully from Dhaka to Chittagong station. Intercity trains have all the needed facilities for your comfortable trip: Wi-Fi so that you can watch videos on YouTube, play online games, toilets, and special quiet and work zones. Intercity trains don’t stop at every station, so you don’t have to waste your important time waiting at every break station. A long route like Dhaka to Chittagong, intercity is a must for relaxing travel.
There are five different Intercity trains available on the Dhaka to Chittagong route.
Train Name | Off Day | Departure | Arrival |
SUBORNO EXPRESS (702) | Mon | 16:30 | 21:25 |
Mahanagar Provati (704) | No | 07:45 | 13:35 |
Mahanagar Express (722) | Sunday | 21:20 | 03:30 |
COXS BAZAR EXPRESS (814) | Mon | 22:30 | 03:40 |
Turna Express (742) | No | 23:15 | 05:15 |
Sonar Bangla Express (788) | Wed | 07:00 | 11:55 |
CHATTALA EXPRESS (802) | Fri | 13:45 | 20:10 |
PARJOTAK EXPRESS (816) | Sun | 06:15 | 11:20 |
Intercity trains are luxurious trains in Bangladesh. You can get all the necessary features here. There is a canteen, food zone, Namaz Zone, Medical Zone, etc.
Dhaka to Chittagong Mail Express Train Schedule
Here are the Dhaka To Chittagong Train Schedule details. Mail express trains on the Dhaka to Chittagong route are less costly than intercity trains. You will need more time on the mail train to travel from Dhaka to Chittagong station. Three different train mail express trains are available on the Dhaka to Chittagong route.
- Chittagong mail
- Chattal express
- Karnaphuli express
Let’s look at the schedule:
Train Name | Off Day | Departure | From |
Chittagong Mail (02) | No | 22:30 | 7:25 |
Karnaphuli Express (4) | No | 8:30 | 18:00 |
Chattal Express (64) | Tuesday | 13:00 | 20:50 |
Dhaka to Chittagong Train Time
Based on Bangladesh Railway, we researched and found the exact schedule of the Dhaka to Chittagong intercity train and express mail train. In this article, I tried to add correct and updated information about the Dhaka to Chittagong train time.
Dhaka To Chittagong Train Ticket Price
You already know the information about the train schedule from Dhaka to Chittagong. Here are the Dhaka to Chittagong train ticket price details. The train ticket price is not that costly. It’s cheaper than regular buses. And the best choice for the middle classes and lower-middle classes. Here is the ticket price provided seat category-wise in BDT. Bangladesh Railway fixes the price.
- AC and Snigdha are a bit luxurious
- Shuvon Chair is normal
Seat Category | Ticket Price (15% VAT) |
Shuvon | 285 |
Shuvon Chair | 405 |
First Seat | 460 |
First Birth | 685 |
Snigdha | 777 |
AC | 788 |
AC Birth | 1179 |
Dhaka To Chittagong Train Route & Distance
The Dhaka to Chittagong train route distance is 346KM direct from Dhaka railway station to Chittagong railway station. You may be confused when searching Google Maps for the Dhaka to Chittagong train route, but you can travel from Dhaka to Chittagong by train. Here is the Google map route for the Dhaka to Chittagong train.

All information was about the train schedule Dhaka to Chittagong route based on Bangladesh Railway. To ensure your journey is safe and enjoyable is our main target. I hope your trip will be enjoyable and safe. If you ever need any other train schedule, visit our site and search for it.
I want shuborna express schedule
I want a train ticket for Dhaka to Chottogram on 10 November 2021 in early morning in shovon chair. please arrange it .
Sorry! We don’t sell tickets. We just provide information.
Cavin Vara Porbya Koro Ac
Ac means ac compartment chair ?
is there non stop dhaka-chottogram at noon time ?