Pangsha To Kumarkhali Train Schedule With Ticket Price

Pangsha To Kumarkhali Train Schedule With Ticket Price

From Pangsha to Kumarkhali is about 21 KM distance, and it is one of the shortest routes in the country. Though it is a short distance, it is very popular to all, and daily a great number of people travel from Pangsha to Kumarkhali by train. If you one of them, you have to know some important information, such as the train schedule and the train ticket prices. I have gathered here all the information below.

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Pangsha To Kumarkhali Intercity Train Schedule

Madhumati Express (755) and Tungipara Express (783) are the two intercity trains that travel from Pangsha to Kumarkhali all days a week except Thursday, and Tuesday respectively. It will need about 30 minutes for the trip.

Train Name Off Day Departure Arrival
Madhumati Express (755) Thursday 18:53 19:19
Tungipara Express (783) Tuesday 09:32 10:07

Pangsha To Kumarkhali Train Ticket Price

The train ticket price of the Pangsha to Kumarkhali route is very low. But if you want to travel by First Seat, then the price will cost.

Seat Category Ticket Price (15% VAT)
Shuvon 45
Shuvon Chair 50
First Seat 90

The information given above is according to the Bangladesh railway. I have gathered here all the information serially so that you can get all the information easily. Have a good journey.

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