Panchbibi To Shibganj Train Schedule With Ticket Price

Panchbibi To Shibganj Train Schedule With Ticket Price

Panchbibi to Shibganj is a long-distance route and it is one of the common train destinations. To make the journey enjoyable people travel by train. For a better journey, you have to know some essential information. Here I am going to share with you all the train schedules and ticket prices of the Panchbibi to Shibganj rouet in detail.

Table of Contents

Panchbibi To Shibganj Intercity Train Schedule

Most people desire intercity train for traveling. The intercity train is not available on all the routes, but there is an intercity train named Banglabandha Express on Panchbibi to Shibganj route. Friday is the off day of the train.

Train Name Off Day Departure Arrival
Banglabandha Express (803) Friday 00:22 03:29

Panchbibi To Shibganj Train Ticket Price

The cheapest rate of the train ticket prices is 135 Tk for the shuvon seat. There are also six types of seat categories of the route and the ticket prices vary depending on the seat categories.

Seat Category Ticket Price (15% VAT)
Shuvon 135
Shuvon Chair 160
First Seat 210
First Birth 315
Snigdha 265
AC 315
Ac Birth 475

I hope you’ll enjoy the journey very much. To get any train-related information come to the site again. Thank you.

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