From Panchbibi to Joypurhat is not very far but it is a very popular train route. Lots of trains run on the route daily with many passengers. Before traveling, you must have to know the train schedule of the route and the ticket prices. Here I will share with you such type some information. Let’s get started.
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Panchbibi To Joypurhat Intercity Train Schedule
I want to inform you that there are 4 intercity trains from Panchbibi to the Joypurhat route that known as Ekota Express (706), Barendra Express (732), Drutojan Express (758), and BANGLABANDHA Express (804). The remaining information is given below.
Train Name | Off Day | Departure | Arrival |
Ekota Express (706) | No | 01:17 | 01:28 |
Barendra Express (732) | Sunday | 07:57 | 08:08 |
Drutojan Express (758) | No | 11:43 | 11:54 |
BANGLABANDHA Express (804) | Sat | 13:29 | 13:40 |
Panchbibi To Joypurhat Train Ticket Price
Train ticket price mainly depends on the train seat category. For a high-quality seat, you have to pay a good payment. But the cost of a train ticket is very cheap than the other transportations. Here is a table with all the train ticket prices for the route. Please focus on and collect one that suits with better.
Seat Category | Ticket Price (15% VAT) |
Shuvon | 45 |
Shuvon Chair | 50 |
First Seat | 90 |
First Birth | 110 |
Snigdha | 100 |
AC | 110 |
Ac Birth | 130 |
That’s all about the topic. If you need more information about the topic, then inform us immediately or revisit our website. I always try to make the article free from any mistake. If you find any mistakes here, then inform me by leaving a comment below. To get more information, stay connected with us.