Nilphamari To Birampur Train Schedule With Ticket Price

Nilphamari To Birampur Train Schedule With Ticket Price

Nilphamari to Birampur is a short-distance route. You have to pass only 65 km for the trip. But daily, several people travel from Nilphamari to Birampur for their daily purposes. So if you want to travel from Nilphamari to Birampur, you have to know the train schedule and the ticket prices of the route. If you want to know the information, then read the article patiently and collect all the information you need.

Table of Contents

Nilphamari To Birampur Intercity Train Schedule

Though Nilphamari to Birampur is a short-distance route, there are available intercity trains on the route. If you notice below, you will find 6 intercity train schedules in detail. So if you want to travel by intercity train, keep reading it.

Train Name Off Day Departure Arrival
Rupsha Express (728) Thu 09:10 10:50
Barendra Express (732) Sun 05:48 07:27
Titumir Express (734) Wed 15:48 17:22
Simanta Express (748) Mon 19:25 20:57
Nilsagar Express (766) Sun 20:40 22:12
CHILAHATI Express (806) Sat 06:40 08:01

Nilphamari To Birampur Train Ticket Price

Train ticket prices fixed by Bangladesh Railway and the prices are cheap than the other transportations.

Seat Category Ticket Price (15% VAT)
Shuvon Chair 80
Snigdha 179
AC Seat 179
AC Berth

Thanks for staying with us. I hope you read the whole article. If you need to know more information about the topic, then let us know. Have a good journey.

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