Are you thinking about traveling between the Natore to Bogra route and searching for the Natore to Bogra train schedule? Don’t worry about this matter, for your convenience I have collected all train related information about this route including the train schedule, the ticket price of the Natore to Bogra route train.
Table of Contents
Natore To Bogra Intercity Train Schedule
As you know the Intercity trains are well-appointed and they provide some magnificent features that may you like. There are 3 Intercity trains are exist on the Natore to Bogra route name Lalmoni Express (751) and Rangpur Express (771). I hope you will able to make a comfortable journey with these trains. See the off-day carefully.
Train Name | Off Day | Departure | Arrival |
Lalmoni Express (751) | Friday | 02:42 | 04:30 |
Rangpur Express (771) | Monday | 13:52 | 15:56 |
BURIMARI EXPRESS (809) | Tue | 13:05 | 15:00 |
Natore To Bogra Train Ticket Price
The ticket price of the Natore to Bogra route is starting at BDT 85 for a shuvon seat and ending at BDT 196 for an Snigdha. Also, many other categories are available to have a look at the below chart. You can buy a train ticket from the station counter but nowadays you can also buy a ticket form online.
Seat Category | Ticket Price (15% VAT) |
Shuvon | 85 |
Shuvon Chair | 105 |
Snigdha | 196 |
Bangladesh Railway is controlling all the trains in Bangladesh and train-related all decisions have taken from Bangladesh Railway. I have collected all the information from the official website of Bangladesh Railway.