Train Schedule

Nangalkot To Chandpur Train Schedule With Ticket Price

Maybe you want to make a journey from Nangalkot to Chandpur and so you are here to know the train schedule as well as the train ticket prices. yes, I want to assure you that here you will be able to get all the information related to the topic. Here you will get Nangalkot to Chandpur intercity train schedule with the ticket price.

Nangalkot To Chandpur Intercity Train Schedule

To reach Nangalkot to Chandpur the intercity train needs more than 2 hours. Meghna Express (729) is the only train on the route. There is no off-day of the train.

Train Name Off Day Departure Arrival
Meghna Express (729) No 19:57 22:00

Nangalkot To Chandpur Train Ticket Price

The train ticket price mainly based on the seat category. There are mainly seven types of seat category of a train and you can choose one that suits you. For more information, keep reading the following table carefully.

Seat Category Ticket Price (15% VAT)
Shuvon 65
Shuvon Chair 80
First Seat 105
First Birth 155
Snigdha 150
AC 179
Ac Birth 265

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