Kuliachor to Dhaka is comparatively a long-distance route and one of the popular routes. Many trains travel from Kuliachor to Dhaka daily with thousands of passengers. Do you want to travel from Kuliachor to Dhaka by train then read the whole article carefully and pick up information that you need?
Table of Contents
Kuliachor To Dhaka Intercity Train Schedule
The intercity trains are available on Kuliachor to Dhaka route. So if you are a passenger of the route, also be able to travel by the intercity train. I have arranged the train names, schedules, and so on the information below.
Train Name | Off Day | Departure | Arrival |
Egarosindhur Provati (738) | No | 07:37 | 10:30 |
Egarosindhur Godhuli (750) | Wednesday | 14:12 | 16:45 |
Kishoreganj Express (782) | Mon | 17:07 | 19:55 |
Kuliachor To Dhaka Train Ticket Price
As the ticket prices are comparatively high, the ticket prices are a little bit high. Ticket prices mainly depend on the train seat category.
Seat Category | Ticket Price (15% VAT) |
Shuvon | 100 |
Shuvon Chair | 120 |
First Seat | 160 |
First Birth | 240 |
Snigdha | 230 |
AC | 276 |
Ac Birth | 409 |
This article was about the Kuliachor to Dhaka train schedule. I hope this will be helpful for you. Thanks for visiting our website.