Joypurhat To Natore Train Schedule With Ticket Price

Joypurhat To Natore Train Schedule With Ticket Price

This route is a busy train route. Every day a lot number of peoples are traveling from Joypurhat to Natore by train. The Joypurhat to Natore train schedule is essential for them who are going on a journey by this route for the first time. Most of the train’s schedules are changed. So I am here for sharing with you the updated train schedule based on Bangladesh Railway’s official site. Read the full article carefully.

Joypurhat To Natore Intercity Train Schedule

A total of 10 intercity trains are travel on Joypurhat to Natore route with several departing times. Have a look at the below chart and choose one train for your journey partner. Be careful about the off-days.

Train Name Off Day Departure Arrival
Ekota Express (706) No 01:31 03:13
Rupsha Express (728) Thursday 11:25 12:52
Barendra Express (732) Sunday 08:11 09:36
Titumir Express (734) Wednesday 18:15 19:50
Simanta Express (748) Mon 21:32 22:50
Drutojan Express (758) No 11:57 13:44
Nilsagar Express (766) Sunday 22:47 00:10
KURIGRAM Express (798) Wed 10:46 12:17
BANGLABANDHA Express (804) Sat 13:43 15:38
CHILAHATI Express (806) Sat 08:35 10:00

Joypurhat To Natore Mail/Express Train Schedule

Also, the two Mail/Express trains run between Joypurhat to Natore route. The train’s names are Rocket Express (24) and Uttara Express (32). The trains run on this route without an off-day.

Train Name Off Day Departure Arrival
Rocket Express (24) No 10:41 16:10
Uttara Express (32) No 05:09 08:16

Joypurhat To Natore Train Ticket Price

All the Bangladeshi trains are run under the Bangladesh Railway. The ticket prices are fixed from Bangladesh Railway. The ticket prices are not very costly, it’s cheaper than other vehicles. In the below chart the ticket prices have been given according to these categories.

Seat Category Ticket Price (15% VAT)
Shuvon 80
Shuvon Chair 95
Snigdha 179
Ac Seat 213
AC Birth 322

This was the updated information of Joypurhat to Natore train schedule of 2020. I tried to add here the real information about this route. If you feel anything wrong, you can let us know by writing a comment in the comment below.

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