Jessore To Poradha Train Schedule With Ticket Price

Jessore To Poradah Train Schedule With Ticket Price

The distance of Jessore To Poradah is about 95 KM via highway. Do you want to travel to Poradah from Jessore by train? Here is the essential train schedule that will help you. Also, the train ticket price of this route has been added to this blog. Read this article attentively and get your necessary information.

Jessore To Poradah Intercity Train Schedule

There are two types of trains are travel between Jessore to Poradah route. Among them, one is Intercity trains and another one is Mail/Express train. The intercity trains are so fast and luxurious. They don’t stop on a regular interval. A total of 7 Intercity available on the Jessore To Poradah route. See the schedule of these trains from the below chart.

Train Name Off Day Departure Arrival
Kapotaskh Express (715) Fri 07:52 10:00
Sundarban Express (725) Tue 22:56 00:56
Rupsha Express (727) Thu 08:23 10:38
Simanta Express (747) Mon 22:26 00:31
Sagardari Express (761) Mon 17:12 19:20
Chittra Express (763) Sun 10:08 12:26
Benapole Express (795) Wed 14:15 16:40

Jessore To Poradah Mail/Express Train Schedule

Further three Mail/Express trains are regularly running on the Jessore to Poradah route with several departing times. The departing time and arrival time has been given in the below chart. Check it out.

Train Name Off Day Departure Arrival
Mohananda Express (15) No
Rocket Express (23) No
Nakshikantha Express (25) No

Jessore To Poradah Train Ticket Price

If you compare a train ticket price with another vehicle’s travel cost, you will be surprised to know that the train ticket price is cheaper than another journey cost. And it is a major advantage of a train journey. However, the Jessore to Poradah route train ticket prices are given in below.

Seat Category Ticket Price (15% VAT)
Shuvon 110
Shuvon Chair 135
Snigdha 259
Ac Seat 311
AC Birth 466

All the information of this article about the Jessore to Poradah train schedule is based on the Bangladesh Railway. If you have anything else to know, please inform us. We will get back to you soon.

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