Are you looking for Dhaka to Nayapara intercity train schedule? If the answer is yes, then you are in the right place. There will be discussed all the train schedules and ticket prices on the Dhaka to Nayapara train route successively. Please follow the article below to get the information.
Table of Contents
Dhaka To Nayapara Intercity Train Schedule
Nayapara is a part of the Jessore district. The distance from Dhaka to Nayapara is almost 183 km, which is a long distance. There are only two trains on the route, namely, Parabat Express (709) and Joyantika Express (717). The Joyantika Express runs regularly, and the Parabat Express also runs regularly except for Tuesday. Please follow the table below to get more information about it.
Train Name | Off Day | Departure | Arrival |
Parabat Express (709) | Tues | 06:30 | 09:30 |
Jayantika Express (717) | Tue | 11:15 | 14:47 |
Dhaka To Nayapara Train Ticket Price
If you want to know the ticket prices on the Dhaka to Nayapara train route, please continue reading the article. For your convenience, I have already given here all the ticket prices according to the seat categories. Please follow the table below to get more about it.
Seat Category | Ticket Price (15% VAT) |
Shuvon Chair | 215 |
First Seat | 334 |
Snigdha | 414 |
AC | 495 |
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