Dhaka to Netrokona train schedule is more essential for those who travel on this route. Because the bus road of Dhaka to Netrokona is not good. If you travel by bus on this route then you don’t get a comfortable journey because the road conditions are very bad. But the train is the most suitable vehicle on this route. The distance of Dhaka to Netrokona is 150 km. If you want a comfortable journey you should choose the trains. You able to find the train schedule and the ticket price is in this article please follow it.
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Dhaka To Netrokona Train Schedule
There are only two trains those are travel in Dhaka to the Netrokona route which is Mohongonj express and Hawr express. The Mohongonj express has an off day on Fri. It’s a departure from Dhaka at 13:15 and arrival to Netrokona at 17:02. The Hawr express has also an off day on Wednesday. It’s a departure from Dhaka at 22:15 and arrival to Netrokona at 02:17. The list of trains these are travel from Dhaka to Netrokona is given below.
Train Name | Off Day | Departure | Arrival |
Haor Express (777) | Wednesday | 22:15 | 02:17 |
Mohangonj Express (789) | Fri | 13:15 | 17:02 |
Dhaka To Netrokona Train Ticket Price
The ticket price of Dhaka to the Netrokona train is not very costly. There are four types of seat categories available like Shuvon, Shuvon Chair, 1st class seat, and Snigdha. You can choose one kind of seat category according to your choice. Let’s see the seat category and ticket price in the below chart.
Category | Price (15% VAT) |
Shuvon | 180 |
Shuvon Chair | 215 |
AC Seat | 495 |
Snigdha | 414 |
More Relatable Schedules Of Dhaka to Netrokona Train:
Dhaka To Comilla Train Schedule And Ticket Price
Stay safe and have a safe journey dear. If you think you need more information on the Dhaka to Netrokona train, please put a comment below so we would know it and fix it out. Thank you to read this article, come back and visit us back again.
Is there a 6 seat non-ac cabin available or not
Have there a seat for netrokona?