The train is now a very popular transportation system in the modern world. Journey by train is almost better than any other transportation system. The post is for those people who are searching for all the train schedule information of the Dewanganj to Melanondo Bajar train route. If you are also among them, then please follow the article from beginning to end very carefully.
Dewanganj To Melanondo Bajar Intercity Train Schedule
Both Dewanganj and Melanondo are situated in the Jamalpur district. The distance from Dewanganj to Melanondo is almost 23 km. There are available only two trains on the route as for instance Tista Express (708) and Brahmaputra Express (744). Please take a look at the chart below to get detailed information about the trains.
Train Name | Off Day | Departure | Arrival |
Tista Express (708) | Mon | 15:00 | 15:31 |
Brahmaputra Express (744) | No | 06:40 | 07:14 |
Dewanganj To Melanondo Bajar Train Ticket Price
Besides train schedules, it is also important to know the ticket prices that route where you will journey. So, to know the ticket prices, follow the text below. For your convenience, I have already given here all the ticket prices below. Please check the list below.
Seat Category | Ticket Price (15% VAT) |
Shuvon | 45 |
Shuvon Chair | 50 |
First Seat | 104 |
Snigdha | 115 |
AC | 127 |
I have already given here all about the train schedules and ticket prices on the Dewanganj to Melanondo Bajar. I hope the article will help you to find any train schedule information on the route. If you think the post is beneficial for you, please share this information with others. Please visit our other pages to get more related information. Thank you.