Maybe you want to have a journey from Bimanbondor to Sanatahar. This is why you are here to know detailed information about Bimanbondor to Santahar train schedule with the ticket price. If I am right, then you are in the right place. Here you will be able to get detailed information about Bimanbondor to Santahar train schedule with the ticket price. The rest information is given below.
Table of Contents
Biman Bandar To Santahar Intercity Train Schedule
Today I am going to share with you Biamnbonor to Santahar intercity train schedule. You should know that there are a total of 8 trains on the route. Some of the trains have off-day, and some of them haven’t. To get more information, keep your eyes below.
Train Name | Off Day | Departure | Arrival |
Ekota Express (705) | No | 10:43 | 15:55 |
LALMONI Express (751) | Fri | 22:13 | 03:45 |
Drutajan Express (757) | NO | 20:28 | 01:25 |
Nilsagor Express (765) | Mon | 07:12 | 12:30 |
RANGPUR Express (771) | Mon | 09:38 | 15:03 |
PANCHAGARH Express (79) | NO | 23:58 | 04:40 |
KURIGRAM Express (797) | Wed | 21:13 | 02:15 |
CHILAHATI EXPRESS (805) | Sat | 17:28 | 22:45 |
Biman Bandar To Santahar Train Ticket Price
There are various types of train ticket prices depending on train quality. If you see below that, I have arranged here seven types of seat categories and their ticket prices. Just read the following information in the table and choose one that you want to.
Seat Category | Ticket Price (15% VAT) |
Shuvon Chair | 430 |
Snigdha | 817 |
AC | 984 |
I hope you have read the article carefully and you are satisfied to have all the information you need. We have arranged all the train-related information for you on the website, so come back on the site to get any information related to the topic.