Bhairab Bazar is a part of the Kishregonj district which is located in the Dhaka division and Comilla is located in the Chittagong division. The distance from Bhairab Bazar to Comilla is almost 86 km. Sometimes a lot of people want to travel from Bhairab Bazar to Comilla by train and search for train schedule information. In the article, I will present all the train schedules and ticket prices successively. If you also want this information, please follow the article carefully.
Table of Contents
Bhairab Bazar To Comilla Intercity Train Schedule
Bhairab Bazar to Comilla route has a total of five trains as for instance, Mohanagar Provati Express (704), Upakul Express (712), Mohanagar Express (722), Turna Express (742), and Chattala Express (802). The Mohanagar provati Express and the Turna Express run regularly and the other trains also run regularly a week except for a day. Now take a look at the chart below to get more information about it.
Train Name | Off Day | Departure | Arrival |
Mohanagar Provati (704) | No | 09:19 | 10:51 |
Upakul express (712) | Tue | 16:52 | 18:38 |
Mahanagar Express (722) | Sunday | 23:03 | 00:46 |
Turna Express (742) | No | 00:52 | 02:33 |
CHATTALA EXPRESS (802) | Fri | 15:35 | 17:17 |
Bhairab Bazar To Comilla Train Ticket Price
Now I will provide here all the trains’ ticket prices. The ticket price of the Bhairab Bazar to Comilla route is starting BDT 105 for only the Shuvon category and the highest price is 426 for the AC Birth with VAT. You can also choose other ticket options according to the seat categories. Please follow the table below to get detailed information about the ticket prices.
Seat Category | Ticket Price (15% VAT) |
Shuvon | 105 |
Shuvon Chair | 125 |
First Seat | 196 |
Snigdha | 242 |
AC | 288 |
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