Train Schedule

Bajitpur To Kuliarchar Train Schedule With Ticket Price

Traveling by train is increasing day by day. However, because it is exciting and enjoyable, I will present the Bajitpur to Kuliachar route train schedule information. If you are also looking for the topic, please follow the article attentively till the last.

Bajitpur To Kuliarchar Intercity Train Schedule

Bajitpur is an Upazila situated in the Kishoreganj district, and Kuliarchar is an administrative unit situated in the Kishorganj district. The distance from Bajitpur to Kuliarchar is only 7 km. There are a total of three trains available on this route. These are Egaro Sindhur Provati (738), Egaro Sindhur Godhuli (750), and Kishoreganj Express (782). Please follow the list below to get more about it.

Train Name Off Day Departure Arrival
Egaro Sindhur Provati (738) No 07:30 07:41
Egaro Sindhur Godhuli (750) wed 14:03 14:14
Kishoregonj Express (782) Fri 16:54 17:14

Bajitpur To Kuliarchar Train Ticket Price

Bajitpur to Kuliarchar train route ticket prices is given below. You can buy any ticket according to seat categories. So, follow the article and check out the ticket prices.

Seat Category Ticket Price (15% VAT)
Shuvon 45
Shuvon Chair 50
First Seat 90
First Birth 110
Snigdha 115
AC 127
Ac Birth 150

I hope you get the quested information which you needed. I tried to present here all the correct and recently updated information. If you have any questions about the article, please inform me by commenting below.