B.B. East To Natore Train Schedule With Ticket Price

B.B. East To Natore Train Schedule With Ticket Price

Maybe you want to travel from B.B. East to Natore by train and you have no information about the train schedule and ticket prices of the route. So you are nowhere to collect all the train schedules and ticket prices of the route. If I am right, then you are at the right place. Keep reading to get detailed information about what you want.

Table of Contents

B.B. East To Natore Intercity Train Schedule

B.B. East to Natore is so popular a busy route that there are five intercity trains are in operation on the route with a great reputation for a long time.  All the train schedules are available in the below table. Some of the trains have off-day and some of them haven’t.

Train Name Off Day Departure Arrival
Ekota Express (705) No 12:34 15:03
LALMONI Express (751) Fri 00:05 02:39
Drutajan Express (757) NO 22:35 12:33
Nilsagor Express (765) Mon 09:09 11:18
RANGPUR Express (771) Mon 11:38 13:49

B.B. East To Natore Train Ticket Price

For the total trip, you will need more than three hours and you will be able to travel only 240 Tk by sitting Shuvon Chair. There are also some low and high-quality seat categories on the train.

Seat Category Ticket Price (15% VAT)
Shuvon Chair 240
Snigdha 455

I hope all the information will be helpful for you. If you need more information about the topic or any train-related information then let me inform. Have a good journey.

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