Azimnagar To Poradah Train Schedule With Ticket Price information is available here. Travel from Azimnagar To Poradah by train easily. For traveling on the Azimnagar To Poradah route, the train will be your perfect choice because the train journey is quite interesting, enjoyable, and comfortable.
Table of Contents
Azimnagar To Poradah Intercity Train Schedule
Azimnagar To Poradah route has a total of 2 intercity trains. The train schedule of all trains on Azimnagar To Poradah route is here for you.
Train Name | Off Day | Departure | Arrival |
Kapotaskh Express (716) | Fri | 15:18 | 16:34 |
Sagardari Express (762) | Mon | 06:53 | 08:10 |
Azimnagar To Poradah Train Ticket Price
Train ticket price is always less than bus or other transports system. There are AC, non-AC, Shuvon, and different seat categories available on Azimnagar To Poradah route. Choose the seat category by which you want to travel.
Seat Category | Ticket Price (15% VAT) |
Shuvon | 90 |
Shuvon Chair | 105 |
First Seat | 140 |
Snigdha | 175 |
AC | 210 |
All the information about Azimnagar To Poradah Train Schedule With Ticket Price has been arranged in this article for our visitors. If you find there any misleading information, let us know by writing a comment in the comment box below. Thank you.