The distance from Parbatipur to Rangpur is 68 KM. Maybe you want to travel from Parbatipur to Rangpur, and so you want to know the train schedule with the train ticket prices of the route. If I am right, then you are at the exact place. Here you will be able to get all the information in detail that you are looking for.
Table of Contents
Parbatipur To Rangpur Intercity Train Schedule
When we want to make a plane for the journey by train, first of all, the thing that comes to our head is to travel by intercity train. If you are a traveler of Parbatipur to Rangpur route and think like that, you can also travel by intercity train.
Train Name | Off Day | Departure | Arrival |
Dolonchapa Express (768) | No | 09:35 | 10:26 |
Parbatipur To Rangpur Train Ticket Price
To know the train ticket prices are must before traveling for a better journey. Here is a table below; I have arranged here some train ticket prices and the seat categories of the Parbatipur to Rangpur route.
Seat Category | Ticket Price (15% VAT) |
Shuvon | 70 |
Shuvon Chair | 80 |
First Seat | 110 |
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