Sylhet to Comilla distance is 22 km and this is a very long distance to travel. But the train can be the best transport service for you on this particular Sylhet to Comilla route. So we have just collected the train schedule and ticket price information from an authentic source. Here in this article, there will be Sylhet to the Comilla Intercity train schedule, Sylhet to the Comilla Mail Express train schedule and the ticket prices of the train seats.
Table of Contents
Sylhet To Comilla Intercity Train Schedule
Intercity trains far better than Mail Express trains in our country. There are many features on this Intercity trains that Mail Express trains do not have. If you are a regular traveller of Sylhet to Comilla route, you would know better than me. Now just check out this schedule in the following:
Train Name | Off Day | Departure | Arrival |
Paharika Express(720) | Wed | 10:30 | 16:13 |
Udayan Express(724) | Sun | 22:00 | 03:13 |
Sylhet To Comilla Mail Express Train Schedule
There is only one train available on this Sylhet to the Comilla Mail Express train. That is Jalalabad Express 14. This Mail Express train continuously runs 7 days a week. That means this train has no off day on Sylhet to Comilla train route. Have an eye to this schedule below:
Train Name | Off Day | Departure | Arrival |
Jalalabad Express 14 | No |
Sylhet To Comilla Train Ticket Price
There are 7 different seat is available on this Sylhet to Comilla trains. The ticket price is different in seat category wise. The price was given in Bangladeshi Taka. The Shuvon Chair is starting from 265 BDT and the most expensive one is Ac seat. Which charges 610 BDT. Check out this ticket price of Sylhet to Comilla trains below:
Seat Category | Ticket Price (15% VAT) |
Shuvon Chair | 265 |
Snigdha | 512 |
AC | 610 |
Related Schedule:
Comilla To Sylhet Train Schedule And Ticket Price
Dhaka To Sylhet Train Schedule & Ticket Price
We hope and pray for your best travel experience on this Sylhet to Comilla train route. You can share your thoughts and travel experience in trains in our Country in the comment section. Please share this article and whenever you need any train’s schedule information, just visit us back again.