Are you searching for the train schedule of the Shaheed M Monsur Ali to Jamtel route? I can assure you that here you will get the information about Shaheed M Monsur Ali to Jamtel Train Schedule With Ticket Price. If you want to travel from Shaheed M Monsur Ali to Jamtel station by train, I hope this article will help you. So read this article carefully and get the information that you need.
Table of Contents
Shaheed M Monsur Ali To Jamtel Train Schedule
Shaheed M Monsur Ali to Jamtel train schedule of all the intercity trains available here. There is 3 well-appointed intercity train that runs between the Shaheed M Monsur Ali to Jamtel route. I think the trains will make your trip more comfortable because they have some modern features. See the schedule of these trains from the below chart.
Train Name | Off Day | Departure | Arrival |
Silkcity Express (753) | Sunday | 17:42 | 17:49 |
Dhumketue Express (769) | Thursday | 08:57 | 09:04 |
SIRAJGANJ EXPRESS (776) | Sat | 19:32 | 19:40 |
Shaheed M Monsur Ali To Jamtel Train Ticket Price
No reason to worry about the ticket price; it’s always low. You can travel from Shaheed M Monsur Ali to Jamtel by train at a cheap cost that you have not been able to another transport system. Here you can find the train ticket price of Shaheed M Monsur Ali to Jamtel route train. There are several categories of tickets available on a train. You should choose one kind of ticket according to your choice.
Seat Category | Ticket Price (15% VAT) |
Shuvon Chair | 45 |
Snigdha | 50 |
104 |
The information about Shaheed M Monsur Ali to Jamtel Train Schedule With Ticket Price added in this blog is collected from the official website of Bangladesh Railway. I hope the information will help you a lot. The train schedule is fixed, but it can be changed for an unwanted reason. To know the updated schedule keep an eye on this site.