Travel from the Shaheed M Monsur Ali to Bheramara by train easily with comfort. Here is the detailed information about Shaheed M Monsur Ali to Bheramara Train Schedule with Ticket Price for you. A journey by train is pleasant and safe and comfortable. Before traveling on the Shaheed M Monsur Ali to Bheramara route by train, read this article carefully to know all the information about ticket prices and train schedules.
Table of Contents
Shaheed M Monsur Ali To Bheramara Train Schedule
Shaheed M Monsur Ali to Bheramara route has a total of 1 intercity train with different departure times. Intercity trains are so fast, and it doesn’t stop at regular intervals. Here is the Shaheed M Monsur Ali to Bheramara train schedule of all intercity trains.
Train Name | Off Day | Departure | Arrival |
Sundarban Express (726) | Wednesday | 11:21 | 13:40 |
Shaheed M Monsur Ali To Bheramara Ticket Price
More than thousands of people travel every day on the Shaheed M Monsur Ali to Bheramara route by train. There are various types of seat categories available for traveling on this route. AC, non-AC, Shuvon, Shuvon Chair, and types of ticket price of Shaheed M Monsur Ali to Bheramara route is for you here:
Seat Category | Ticket Price (15% VAT) |
Shuvon | 125 |
Shuvon Chair | 150 |
First Seat | 200 |
First Birth | 300 |
Snigdha | 250 |
AC | 300 |
AC Birth | 450 |
You can check our other articles if you need any other information based on the Bangladesh Railway train ticket price and train schedule. Shaheed M Monsur Ali to Bheramara Train Schedule with Ticket Price was the main topic of this article. I hope it helps.