Shaheed M Monsur Ali is 151 lm far from Santahar. Daily a lot of people travel from Santahar to Shaheed M Monsur Ali by train. But most of them often find the train schedule and ticket prices online. But most of the time they remain unable to get the information. This is why I have arranged here all the train schedules and ticket prices in detail of the route.
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Santahar To Shaheed M Monsur Ali Intercity Train Schedule
The intercity train is very popular and desirable to all for its modern technology and pepper services. There is also an intercity train named Lalmoni Express (752) that runs from Santahar to Shaheed M Monsur Ali.
Train Name | Off Day | Departure | Arrival |
LALMONI Express (752) | Fri | 13:40 | 16:18 |
Santahar To Shaheed M Monsur Ali Train Ticket Price
Being a long-distance route, the minimum train ticket price from Santahar to Shaheed M Monsur Ali is 140 Tk, and the highest price 495 Tk.
Seat Category | Ticket Price (15% VAT) |
Shuvon | 140 |
Shuvon Chair | 165 |
First Seat | 202 |
First Birth | 330 |
Snigdha | 275 |
AC | 330 |
Ac Birth | 495 |
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