The distance from Saiestaganj to Kulaura is only 71 KM. Kulaura is the biggest Upazila of the Moulvibazar District, and Shayestaganj is an Upazila of Habiganj District of Sylhet division in northeastern Bangladesh. Most of us ask us to know the train schedules and ticket prices of the route, so today, I will share with you Saiestaganj to Kulaura train schedules and ticket prices.
Saiestaganj To Kulaura Intercity Train Schedule
If you want to travel from Saiestaganj to Kulaura by intercity train, this article is for you. If you notice below, you will get 6 intercity trains, and all the trains run on Saiestaganj to Kulaura route. There is an off day of the trains.
Train Name | Off Day | Departure | Arrival |
Parabat Express (709) | Tuesday | 09:55 | 11:25 |
Joyantika Express (717) | Tuesday | 15:20 | 17:11 |
Paharika Express (719) | Mon | 12:53 | 14:32 |
Udayan express (723) | Wed | 02:21 | 04:04 |
Upaban Express (739) | Wednesday | 01:25 | 03:08 |
Kalani Express (773) | Friday | 18:13 | 20:06 |
Saiestaganj To Kulaura Train Ticket Price
To go from Saiestaganj to Kulaura, you will need not more than two hours, and for the trip, the cheapest ticket price is 70 TK. Notice below; there are also some train ticket prices for the route. Read and choose the one you like.
Seat Category | Ticket Price (15% VAT) |
Shuvon | 70 |
Shuvon Chair | 85 |
First Seat | 133 |
Snigdha | 161 |
AC | 196 |
That’s all about the topic. I hope you will benefit a lot from the topic. Please stay connected with us for more information. Thank you.