Are you searching for information about Nowapara station? Don’t worry. Here you will be able to get detailed information, especially the train schedule of the station. As Nowapara station is a big one station, many trains leave the station daily with lots of passengers. To travel from the station, you have to know the train schedule. So today, I have gathered here all the train schedules of the station. To know more, keep reading the article.
Nowapara Station Train Schedule
If you want to know the Nowapara station train schedule, this article will be the best. Here I have gathered all the information in the box below. There is a total of five train schedules here in detail. Read and pick up information.
Nowapara To Dhaka Train Schedule
Train Name |
Off Day |
Departure |
Arrival |
Sundarban Express (725) |
Tuesday |
22:24 |
05:10 |
Sun |
09:36 |
18:05 |
Nowapara To Khulna Train Schedule
Train Name |
Off Day |
Departure |
Arrival |
Kapotaskh Express (716) |
Fri |
19:40 |
20:25 |
Sundarban Express (726) |
Wed |
15:06 |
15:50 |
Rupsha Express (728) |
Thu |
17:42 |
18:20 |
Simanta Express (748) |
Mon |
03:30 |
04:20 |
Sagardari Express (762) |
Mon |
11:10 |
12:10 |
Chittra Express (764) |
Sun |
04:15 |
05:00 |
Nowapara To Jessore Train Schedule
Train Name |
Off Day |
Departure |
Arrival |
Kapotaskh Express (715) |
Fri |
07:21 |
07:49 |
Sundarban Express (725) |
Tue |
22:24 |
22:52 |
Rupsha Express (727) |
Thu |
07:51 |
08:19 |
Simanta Express (747) |
Mon |
21:52 |
22:22 |
Sagardari Express (761) |
Mon |
16:35 |
17:03 |
Chittra Express (763) |
Sun |
09:36 |
10:04 |
Nowapara To Darshana Train Schedule
Train Name |
Off Day |
Departure |
Arrival |
Kapotaskh Express (715) |
Fri |
07:21 |
09:03 |
Rupsha Express (727) |
Thu |
07:51 |
09:41 |
Simanta Express (747) |
Mon |
21:52 |
23:34 |
Sagardari Express (761) |
Mon |
16:35 |
18:23 |
Chittra Express (763) |
Sun |
09:36 |
11:28 |
Nowapara To ChuyadangaTrain Schedule
Train Name |
Off Day |
Departure |
Arrival |
Kapotaskh Express (715) |
Fri |
07:21 |
09:25 |
Sundarban Express (725) |
Tue |
22:24 |
00:20 |
Rupsha Express (727) |
Thu |
07:51 |
10:03 |
Simanta Express (747) |
Mon |
21:52 |
23:56 |
Sagardari Express (761) |
Mon |
16:35 |
18:45 |
Chittra Express (763) |
Sun |
09:36 |
11:50 |
Nowapara To Alamdanga Train Schedule
Train Name |
Off Day |
Departure |
Arrival |
Kapotaskh Express (715) |
Fri |
07:21 |
09:44 |
Sundarban Express (725) |
Tue |
22:24 |
00:39 |
Rupsha Express (727) |
Thu |
07:51 |
10:22 |
Simanta Express (747) |
Mon |
21:52 |
00:15 |
Sagardari Express (761) |
Mon |
16:35 |
19:04 |
Chittra Express (763) |
Sun |
09:36 |
12:09 |
Nowapara To Poradah Train Schedule
Train Name |
Off Day |
Departure |
Arrival |
Kapotaskh Express (715) |
Fri |
07:21 |
10:00 |
Sundarban Express (725) |
Tue |
22:24 |
00:56 |
Rupsha Express (727) |
Thu |
07:51 |
10:38 |
Simanta Express (747) |
Mon |
21:52 |
00:31 |
Sagardari Express (761) |
Mon |
16:35 |
19:20 |
Chittra Express (763) |
Sun |
09:36 |
12:26 |
Nowapara To Mirpur Train Schedule
Train Name |
Off Day |
Departure |
Arrival |
Kapotaskh Express (715) |
Fri |
07:21 |
10:13 |
Chittra Express (763) |
Sun |
09:36 |
12:39 |
Nowapara To Rajshahi Train Schedule
Train Name |
Off Day |
Departure |
Arrival |
Kapotaskh Express (715) |
Fri |
07:21 |
12:20 |
Sagardari Express (761) |
Mon |
16:35 |
22:00 |
I have collected all the information from some valid sources. So you can use all the information without undoubtedly. If you find any wrong information, please inform us immediately.