Do you want to travel from Nayapara to Azampur by train? Don’t worry. Here we provide you all the information you need. It is a route of about 37 KM where you will get many trains. But the most important thing for you is to know the train schedules and ticket prices of the route. In this article, I will share with you all the information in detail.
Table of Contents
Nayapara To Azampur Intercity Train Schedule
Though Nayapara to Azampur is a short-distance route, there are available intercity trains on the route. Here I have arranged all the train information, including the train names, off days, departures, and arrival times.
Train Name | Off Day | Departure | Arrival |
Parabat Express (710) | Tues | 18:47 | 19:32 |
Jayantika Express (718) | Thu | 15:52 | 16:46 |
Nayapara To Azampur Train Ticket Price
It is essential to know the train ticket prices before traveling unless you may be deceived. That’s why I have arranged here all the ticket prices and the seat categories in the following table so that you can get all the information easily from here.
Seat Category | Ticket Price (15% VAT) |
Shuvon | 45 |
Shuvon Chair | 50 |
Snigdha | 115 |
AC | 127 |
I hope all the information will be enough for you. I have arranged all the information from valid sources arranged here.