If you are searching for Jessore to Chuadanga train schedule, then you are in the right place. From here you will be able to find the exact train schedule and ticket price of this route. Read this article carefully and collect your necessary information about this route from here which you need.
Table of Contents
Jessore To Chuadanga Intercity Train Schedule
Kapotaksha Express (715), Sundarban Express (725), Simanta Express (747), Sagordari Express (761), etc many intercity trains run between the Jessore to Chuadanga route. If you want a peaceful and comfortable journey, you have to choose the Intercity train, because intercity trains have some extra features that will make your trip more enjoyable. See the schedule from the below chart.
Train Name | Off Day | Departure | Arrival |
Kapotaksha Express (715) | Tuesday | 06:15 | 08:59 |
Sundarban Express (725) | Tuesday | 22:15 | 00:53 |
Rupsha Express (727) | Thursday | 07:10 | 09:44 |
Simanta Express (747) | Monday | 21:15 | 23:53 |
Sagordari Express (761) | Monday | 16:00 | 18:54 |
Chitra Express (763) | Monday | 09:00 | 11:46 |
Jessore To Chuadanga Mail/Express Train Schedule
Besides the Intercity trains, Jessore to Chuadanga route also has 3 Mail/Express train. The Mohananda Express (15), Rocket Express (24), Nakshikantha Express (25) are three Mail Express trains in this route. Those trains have no off-day. See the below chart and make your trip easier. To collect all the information have a look below the chart.
Train Name | Off Day | Departure | Arrival |
Mohananda Express (15) | No | 13:05 | 15:29 |
Rocket Express (24) | No | 10:50 | 14:16 |
Nakshikantha Express (25) | No | 03:55 | 06:05 |
Jessore To Chuadanga Train Ticket Price
If you want to know the ticket price of the train, below the chart you can find all the tickets price. Jessore To Chuadanga route train has many categories seat. Like Shuvon, Snigdha, AC Seat, etc. All seats have different prices. The ticket price of the train is not costly. So know the seat price you have to check below the chart.
Seat Category | Ticket Price (15% VAT) |
Shuvon | 80 |
Shuvon Chair | 100 |
1st Seat | 130 |
1st Birth | 195 |
Snigdha | 160 |
AC Seat | 195 |
AC Birth | 290 |
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