Jessore to Boral Bridge is one of the busiest train routes. Boral bridge is 227 km away from Jessore. So it is undoubtedly a long distance. You can travel to Boral Bridge on either bus or train. But the train will be the best for you. It will make your journey recreational, and the fare is comparatively very cheap. But before travel from Jessore to Boral Bridge, you have to know the train schedule and the ticket price. Al the information related to the topic is available here below,
Table of Contents
Jessore To Boral Bridge Intercity Train Schedule
The intercity train is the most popular one on the way of traveling. It is famous for its attractive services and punctuality. The intercity train is obtainable on Jessore to the Boral Bridge route. I have already added the schedule of the trains below.
Train Name | Off Day | Departure | Arrival |
Sundarban Express (725) | Tuesday | 23:20 | 03:15 |
Chittra Express (763) | Monday | 10:02 | 14:09 |
Jessore To Boral Bridge Train Ticket Price
Though the distance from Jessore to Boral Bridge is very long, the train ticket price is not so high. There are seven types of train ticket prices in the following table, from low to high sequentially. If you want to travel by AC seat, you have to pay a good payment.
Seat Category | Ticket Price (15% VAT) |
Shuvon | 200 |
Shuvon Chair | 240 |
First Seat | 315 |
First Birth | 475 |
Snigdha | 395 |
AC | 475 |
Ac Birth | 710 |
All the information given above is arranged from valid sources and according to Bangladesh Railway. So there is no room here for doubt if the information is wrong or not. Stay with us for any information.