This article is for those who want to travel from Hasanpur To Chandpur. If you want to make a journey on Hasanpur To Chandpur by train, this article is for you. Here I have arranged all the Hasanpur To Chandpur Train Schedule & Ticket Price information that will help you.
Table of Contents
Hasanpur To Chandpur Train Schedule
Hasanpur To Chandpur intercity train schedule is available here. I want to inform you that the Hasanpur To Chandpur route has about 1 intercity trains running daily. Here I have arranged sufficient information on the Hasanpur To Chandpur intercity train schedule.
Train Name | Off Day | Departure | Arrival |
Meghna express (729) | No | 19:48 | 22:00 |
Hasanpur To Chandpur Train Ticket Price
Seat Category | Ticket Price |
Shuvon Chair | 85 |
I hope this article about Hasanpur To Chandpur Train Schedule & Ticket Price was helpful for you. Stary connected for further updates.