The distance from Dhaka to Vanugacha is 242 KM and there are many trains run on the route with thousands of passengers. Most of the passengers of the route have no idea about the train schedules and ticket prices of the route. This is why I am going to share with you all the train schedules and ticket prices in detail.
Table of Contents
Dhaka To Vanugacha Intercity Train Schedule
If you want to know the train schedules of Dhaka to Vanugacha then this article for you. There are three intercity trains on the route and I have listed all the schedules of these trains in the following table.
Train Name | Off Day | Departure | Arrival |
Parabat Express (709) | Tuesday | 06:30 | 10:54 |
Joyantika Express (717) | Tue | 11:15 | 16:23 |
Upaban Express (739) | Wednesday | 20:00 | 14:30 |
Dhaka To Vanugacha Train Ticket Price
Though Dhaka to Vanugacha is a long-distance route, you can easily travel at very low prices. There are also some high-value ticket prices. Keep an eye below.
Seat Category | Ticket Price (15% VAT) |
Shuvon | 210 |
Shuvon Chair | 250 |
First Seat | 335 |
First Birth | 500 |
Snigdha | 483 |
AC | 575 |
Ac Birth | 863 |
Thanks for stay with us for a long time. I hope you have already read the whole article carefully and collected all the information that you need. Have a good journey.