Do you want to know about the Chuadanga to Ishwardi train schedule? If your answer is yes, you are in the right place. From here you will get the information about the Chuadanga to Ishwardi train route. The distance between Ishwardi to Chuadanga is just 74 KM. Traveling from Chuadanga to Ishwardi by train is the best way. If you want to travel by train you need some information. Read this article carefully and collect the information that you need.
Table of Contents
Chuadanga To Ishwardi Intercity Train Schedule
Chuadanga to Ishwardi route has some Intercity trains. The intercity trains are so fast. They don’t stop all the intervals. So that’s why you can save your journey time. Also, Intercity trains are filled with magnificent features like food zone, prayer zone, etc. The train schedule has been given below.
Train Name | Off Day | Departure | Arrival |
Kapotaksha Express (715) | Tuesday | 08:59 | 10:35 |
Sundarban Express (725) | Tuesday | 00:53 | 02:15 |
Rupsha Express (727) | Thursday | 09:44 | 11:20 |
Simanta Express (747) | Monday | 23:53 | 01:20 |
Sagordari Express (761) | Monday | 18:54 | 20:30 |
Chitra Express (763) | Monday | 11:46 | 13:15 |
Chuadanga To Ishwardi Mail/Express Train Schedule
Chuadanga to Ishwardi in this way has two local trains named Mohananda Express (15), Rocket Express (23). Every day the train is gone Chuadanga to Ishwardi. This train doesn’t have many facilities but everyone can travel by train easily. The train schedule and ticket price have been given below.
Train Name | Off Day | Departure | Arrival |
Mohananda Express (15) | No | 15:29 | 17:45 |
Rocket Express (23) | No | 14:16 | 16:35 |
Chuadanga To Ishwardi Train Ticket Price
I have collected the train schedule and ticket price from the official website of Bangladesh Railway. There are many categories of seats and ticket prices. The lowest price of this train 105 TK only and the highest ticket price 375 TK only. So that’s why everyone can travel by train without much cost. The train schedule and ticket price have been given below.
Seat Category | Ticket Price (15% VAT) |
Shuvon | 105 |
Shuvon Chair | 125 |
1st Seat | 170 |
1st Birth | 250 |
Snigdha | 210 |
Ac Seat | 250 |
AC Birth | 375 |
I think you will be benefited from this article. All-time we are trying to collect the correct information. If you face any problem on our site. Please, tell us in the comment box. The Bangladeshi train schedule can change any time. So that’s why get the update information stay with us.