From Chuwadanga to Boral bridge is a distance of145 KM. On the route, all kinds of trains like the intercity, mail and so on trains are available. So you can make a journey on the way easily by train and the travel will be cheaper than any other transportation of the route. So if you want to travel from Chuwadanga to Boral bridge by train then read the following information carefully.
Table of Contents
Chuadanga To Boral Bridge Intercity Train Schedule
Here I have arranged the intercity train schedule from Chuwadanga to Boral bridge. Sundarban Express (725), and Chittra Express (763) are the two intercity trains that run on the route except on Tuesday, and Monday respectively. It will need about 2 hours and 15 minutes.
Train Name | Off Day | Departure | Arrival |
Sundarban Express (725) | Tuesday | 00:53 | 03:15 |
Chittra Express (763) | Monday | 11:46 | 14:09 |
Chuadanga To Boral Bridge Train Ticket Price
After collecting the train schedule of a certain route you have to know the train ticket price. So if you notice below I have already gathered here all the ticket prices of Chuwadanga to the Boral bridge route.
Seat Category | Ticket Price (15% VAT) |
Shuvon | 135 |
Shuvon Chair | 160 |
First Seat | 215 |
First Birth | 320 |
Snigdha | 270 |
AC | 320 |
Ac Birth | 480 |
I hope your journey will be more entertaining and enjoyable. If you want to get more information about any train schedule or ticket prices, you can read our other articles.