Daily a great number of people travel from Bimanbandar to Boralbridge and for this, they prefer the train. As Bimanbandar to Boralbridge is a long-distance route and it is 253 KM, we get bored and for a pleasurable journey, there is no alternative to the train. Bimanbandar to Boralbridge is the busiest route and there are many trains on the route. To remember information about all the trains is impossible, so here I have arranged all the information below.
Table of Contents
Bimanbandar To Boralbridge Intercity Train Schedule
Do you want to travel by intercity train from Bimanbandar to Boralbridge. If yes, then this article is for you. There are six intercity trains on the route and most of the trains have an off day of the route. You will need three hours for the trip.
Train Name | Off Day | Departure | Arrival |
Lalmoni Express (751) | Friday | 22:13 | 01:13 |
Silkcity Express (753) | Sunday | 15:08 | 18:24 |
Padma Express (759) | Tuesday | 23:13 | 02:14 |
Chittra Express (764) | Sun | 19:58 | 23:18 |
Dhumketue Express (769) | Thu | 06:28 | 09:45 |
Bimanbandar To Boralbridge Train Ticket Price
Bimanbandar to Boralbridge train ticket prices is available here in the below table. Some of the tickets are cheap and some of them are costly. For a cheap-rated ticket, the seat category is not so good.
Seat Category | Ticket Price (15% VAT) |
Shuvon | 125 |
Shuvon Chair | 150 |
First Seat | 200 |
First Birth | 300 |
Snigdha | 250 |
AC | 300 |
AC Birth | 450 |
I hope you have read the whole article from top to bottom. All the information in this article is from a valid source and is based on Bangladesh railway.