Information about Biman Bandar to Poradah train is important for those, who want to travel from Biman Bandar to Poradah. Are you one of them? I ensure you that you will be able to get the train schedule from here. Here you are also able to know the ticket prices of this route. Carefully read this article and gather your important news.
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Biman Bandar To Poradah Intercity Train Schedule
The intercity trains are so fast. They don’t stop the regular interval so that you have able to save your journey time. Also, intercity trains are filled with magnificent features. There are two intercity trains are exist on Biman Bandar to the Poradah route. The train schedule has been given below. Quickly see it.
Train Name | Off Day | Departure | Arrival |
Sundarban Express (726) | Wednesday | 08:42 | 14:01 |
Chitra Express (764) | Monday | 19:27 | 00:16 |
Biman Bandar To Poradah Train Ticket Price
I have collected the train schedule and ticket price from the official website of Bangladesh Railway. The train of Biman Bandar to the Poradah route train is given below based on BR. There are many categories you can choose one kind according to your choice and budget both.
Seat Category | Ticket Price (15% VAT) |
Shuvon | 300 |
Shuvon Chair | 360 |
1st Seat | 480 |
1st Birth | 720 |
Snigdha | 600 |
Ac Seat | 720 |
AC Birth | 1080 |
I think you will be benefited from the above information. All-time we tried to collect the exact information but sometimes it can be wrong. Because you know the schedule Bangladeshi train can be changed at any time. To know the updated schedule keep an eye on our site.