Biman Bandar To Bogra Train Schedule With Ticket Price

Biman Bandar To Bogra Train Schedule With Ticket Price

Now you are going to know the Biman Bandar to Bogra train schedule, ticket price and other related information about this route. The trains are suitable and secure vehicles on this route. The distance of this route is about 180 KM. As you know the trains are suitable for a long journey. In this article, I have added all your essential information.

Table of Contents

Biman Bandar To Bogra Intercity Train Schedule

The Biman Bandar to Bogra route has only two Intercity trains these are Lalmoni Express (751) and Rangpur Express (771). The trains depart from Biman Bandar station with different departing time to the purpose in Bogra. check the schedule of those trains from the chart below. Carefully see the off-day.

Train Name Off Day Departure Arrival
Lalmoni Express (751) Friday 22:12 04:21
Rangpur Express (771) Monday 09:37 15:54

Biman Bandar To Bogra Train Ticket Price

From here, you will be able to know the ticket price of the Biman Bandar to Bogra route train. You know the ticket prices depend on their quality. The ticket price is starting at BDT 330 for a Shuvon seat and ending at BDT 1180 for an AC Birth seat. See the below chart to know more.

Seat Category Ticket Price (15% VAT)
Shuvon 330
Shuvon Chair 395
1st Seat 525
1st Birth 790
Snigdha 660
AC Seat 790
AC Birth 1180

I hope after reading the above information, you have earned a fulfill knowledge about the Biman Bandar to Bogra. If you think this article is helpful please share it with other people.

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