Maybe you want to make a journey from Bamandanga to Ullapara; you are here to know all the related information like the train schedule and its ticket price, departure, and arrival times. I want to assure you that you are in the right place, and here you will get all the related information below.
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Bamondanga To Ullapara Intercity Train Schedule
Lalmoni Express (752) is the only train that runs from Bamandanga to Ullapara, and it tries to serve all the services and the facilities to the passengers and makes all the trips enjoyable. Friday is the off-day of the train.
Train Name | Off Day | Departure | Arrival |
Lalmoni Express (752) | Fri | 11:05 | 15:52 |
Bamondanga To Ullapara Train Ticket Price
Many people travel from Bamandanga to Ullapara but don’t know about the train ticket prices. As a result, they have to face many problems and feel bored on the trip. To remove this kind of problem, I have collected all the train ticket prices and systematically added them.
Seat Category | Ticket Price (15% VAT) |
Shuvon | 225 |
Shuvon Chair | 270 |
First Seat | 355 |
First Birth | 535 |
Snigdha | 445 |
AC | 535 |
Ac Birth | 800 |
If you need any other information about the train schedule or anything related to train traveling in Bangladesh, come back to our site. Thank you.