If you want to travel from Akkelpur to Natore then this article is for you. Here you will be able to get all the train schedules and ticket prices of the route in detail based on the Bangladesh Railway. For the trip, you have to pass approximately 63 km. Detailed information is given below.
Table of Contents
Akkelpur To Natore Intercity Train Schedule
A train route from Akkelpur to Natore where many intercity trains run with thousands of passengers every day. Here I have gathered all the intercity train names as well as the off-day, departure & arrival times. It will take about one and a half minutes.
Train Name | Off Day | Departure | Arrival |
Ekota Express (706) | No | 01:47 | 03:13 |
Rupsha Express (728) | Thursday | 11:40 | 12:52 |
Barendra Express (732) | Sunday | 08:26 | 09:36 |
Titumir Express (734) | Wednesday | 18:35 | 19:50 |
Simanta Express (748) | Monday | 21:48 | 22:55 |
Drutojan Express (758) | No | 12:12 | 13:44 |
Nilsagar Express (766) | Sunday | 23:02 | 00:10 |
Banglabandha Express (804) | Sat | 14:11 | 15:38 |
Akkelpur To Natore Train Ticket Price
Akkelpur to Natore train ticket prices is available here. If you are a passenger of the route, you should know the train ticket prices besides learning the train schedules.
Seat Category | Ticket Price (15% VAT) |
Shuvon | 65 |
Shuvon Chair | 75 |
First Seat | 100 |
First Birth | 150 |
Snigdha | 125 |
AC | 150 |
Ac Birth | 225 |
Be careful while you are on the train. Keep your bag and baggage near your hands. Have a good journey.