The total distanc from Akkelpur to Domar is 147 KM. So it is a long-distance route. Daily, lots of people travel from Akkelpur to Domar by train. Most of them are not aware of the train schedule and ticket prices for the route, so they suffer a lot and face many problems. So today, I am going to share with you all the train schedules and ticket prices of the route.
Table of Contents
Akkelpur To Domar Intercity Train Schedule
If you want to travel from Akkelpur to Domar by train, then this article is for you. You should know that there is a total of 5 intercity trains on the Akkelpur to Domar route. Raed the following topic carefully to get all the information in detail.
Train Name | Off Day | Departure | Arrival |
Rupsha Express (727) | Thu | 14:47 | 16:42 |
Barendra Express (731) | Sun | 17:52 | 20:58 |
Titumir Express (733) | Wed | 09:12 | 12:30 |
Simanta Express (747) | Mon | 03:37 | 06:09 |
Nilsagar Express (765) | Mon | 12:57 | 15:24 |
Akkelpur To Domar Train Ticket Price
Besides knowing the train schedule, it will be better for you to know the ticket prices of the route. Though Akkelpur to Domar is a long-distance route, the train ticket prices are not so high. Have a look below and collect the information that you need.
Seat Category | Ticket Price (15% VAT) |
Shuvon Chair | 175 |
That’s all about the topic. On the site, you will be able to get all the information on any train-related topic. So come back to the site for the next update.